Friday, March 29, 2024

Sean Mullendore #9.

Chops: So that first Static trip you went on cross-county was with everybody. . .

Jake Rupp: Yeah, the DC to Cali trip was with the whole crew. Joel Meinholz, Ed Selego, Steve Brandi . . . Sean Mullendore was on it for a second but then he got weird and bailed, which was awesome. Classic, dealing with a bunch of psychos.

What do you mean?

We were just being crazy. Skating and getting wild. That was just how we were living and Sean wanted no part of it.

But Sean was such a good skateboarder, man. He could ollie anything.

Whatever happened to Mullendore? He was incredible.

He lives around here, in Maryland. I’ve heard that he works on high-end race cars. Like, the super crazy ones in sterile garages.

The DC guy with the massive pop takes a kickflip over a barrier. It looks like he is wearing a New Deal shirt and some fly DVS kicks.

For the quote: Chrome Ball Interview #130: Jake Rupp

Thrasher - May 1999 Volume 19 Number 5


Dan Crilly said...

I remember his old Transworld checkout. He was skating at Freedom Plaza doing a frontside nollie heelflip over one of the walls wearing white 'shelltoes'. I loved that sequence so much and would study it to see how I could learn the move, I could never get that trick dialed for some years but now they're one of my favourite tricks alongside Nollie Heels. Those Freedom Plaza skaters had so much style and pop, pure inspiration on flatground lines and ledges.

Justin said...

That's cool. I always like the East Coast stuff from the mid 1990s because it felt more relatable since the skaters were on my side of the country.

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