Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Pat Duffy #5.

Sailing the seas of cheese.

The Duffman recently turned 50. It's been 31 years since Plan B's Questionable was released. It somehow doesn't seem that long. Duffy had probably the most iconic of all debut parts since nobody had really heard of him and his skateboarding was miles above what most folks were doing. The only other skater I can think of who had such a similair mindblowing debut is PJ Ladd. Also it seems like everybody is turning 50, with Peter Hewitt also clocking in at the half century mark.

Did anybody ever try the nine ply boards? Does it even work? I maybe had a Real with nine plies around this time, but I think something was wrong with it so I didn't ride it for long. The deck simply might have been too small. I don't remember.

My mom is doing well. She had to have a fairly serious operation to fix some standing health issues.

In regards to this site, I'm not sure what the schedule will be going forward. The plan is to finish out the Think scans for the week and see how everything is going. There very well could be a week or three off before I get back to regular posts.

Thrasher - September 1999 Volume 19 Number 9


Nonickname said...

Take all the time you and your family need. Glad to hear things are going well.

Justin said...

Thanks. The recovery is going to take a bit.

The effort to put this site together is relatively minimal and I don't want to let any of the regulars down, but things are very much unknown right now. I'll see how it goes.

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