Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Oli Buergin #3.

Swiss Air.

I figured I'd mark the 16 year anniversary of this thing with a poorly printed photo of one of my favorite skaters. Strange Notes had horrid photo quality, which I'm assuming was caused by printing the 'zines for cheap. They got better once they switched over to full color, but the photos were always on the dark side for the BW issues. You could also see how they were learning how to make a magazine in terms of design and printing.

The photo is by Jeff Kendall.

Strange Notes - February 1997


Nonickname said...

Whoa...same age as my older son. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea they were still printing Strange Notes in 1997.

Justin said...

They kept Strange Notes going in print until 2000 or so. I should know the exact year because I dug out a stack of them for this, but I can't remember. They switched over to a free DVD in the 00s. I'm not sure how long they kept that up. Maybe 2008? 2009? Whenever the Indy anniversary tour was might have been the last one. They had some seriously good skating in those things, but I don't have the mental capacity to rewatch any of them.

This website is spanning generations, which is cool/trippy/scary.