Thursday, January 31, 2019

Justin Henry #2.

"It's pretty cool. It seems like it's real separated right now in this weird way. It just seems like there's so many different niches. There's the whole underground movement where it's like, Yeah, we're the underground dudes and nobody knows what's up with this, and then you got the more big-time mainstream dudes that have managers and some bigger, questionable sponsors. But you have the middle ground where - it's hard to explain. I remember I was talking to this one dude and he's like, "Yo, whose board is this?" I was like, "It's my board," and he's like, "What company is this?" and I was, like, "What are you talking about? It's Quasi. I ride for Quasi," and he was, like, "Who's Jake Johnson?" I was just, like, whoa. That's when I knew skating is in a weird spot right now. Because to me, Jake is like - when I saw his Mindfield part it was like right there Jake was one of my biggest influences and this person out in California doesn't even know who he is. You could go and say like Jake is one of the greatest ever to do it, you know? But it's just separated. I guess that's just how it is."

Justin is from Columbus, Ohio. He rides for Quasi, Vans, and Brixton. I dug his recent interview in Thrasher.

Quasi was one of those companies that I kept up with last year. They released a full video online called Mother, which I think I've seen most of. This ollie is in Justin's section. Gilbert Crockett had a great part that I've actually watched multiple times, instead of the standard one and done for internet clips. I enjoy their graphics, particularly the ones that have a large section of solid color mixed with the plain woodgrain of the deck. That seems to be a slightly different approach to board art. I appreciate how they are cultivating that sense of mystery and wonder in a way that the Alien Workshop did in their early days.

For the quote: Thrasher - February 2019 Volume 40 Number 2

Thrasher - August 2018 Volume 39 Number 8

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