Friday, February 1, 2019

Grant Taylor #3.

You can't go wrong with Grant. His ollies on transitions are perfect. This park is in Quito, Ecuador. The Hellride crew revisited the place last year, 20 years after their first trip to the western side of South America. They even made Peter Hewitt reenact his Thrasher cover with a frontside invert at this same spot.

Besides Grant, I liked how Raney Beres was skateboarding on vert for 2018.

That concludes my disjointed and abstract best of the year list. Onward to vintage technical shoe designs for next week. There will be another look at the Hellride crew in Ecuador coming up in the not so distant future. I'm putting together two weeks worth of articles from Slap and the South America trip is getting included.

Thrasher - May 2018 Volume 39 Number 5

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