Monday, January 30, 2023

Danny Garcia #6.

Out there.

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of Habitat's Mosaic video. As it has been covered to death, I didn't bother putting anything together to commemorate the passage of time. However, I had a few of the team riders randomly scanned in already so I decided to tie that in with a small anniversary feature.

Habitat debuted with a section in Alien Workshop's Photosynthesis video in 2000. Mosaic was their own video three years later that had a Workshop section, which was notable for Jason Dill's line skating in an era of stair jumps as well as Anthony Pappalardo's street stylings.

Danny had the last part in Mosaic. It was probably a toss up between him and Stefan Janoski as to who would close out the video. Both skate remarkably well. I've always thought Stefan's part had more of a last part mood because of how it was sequenced. Thinking about it now, Danny had been with Habitat since the beginning whereas Stefan had switched over from Expedition so it makes more sense to give Mr. Garcia the ender. His skating is a little more subtle and maybe doesn't register at first as to how good he is. Everything is so smooth and solid you need to spend some time processing what he is doing. Danny is still out there, skateboarding, playing basketball, and recording music.

Liberty was a skateshop in Brea, California. It was started by Matt Pindroh in 1993. They stepped it up by running ads in the mags and had some top pros on the team. I don't believe they are around any longer.

In the week off, I didn't really organize or plan anything out. I guess I needed the break. I did dodge some winter weather to skateboard a few times so there's that.

RIP Tom Verlaine.

Skateboarder - February 2007 Volume 16 Number 6

1 comment:

Nonickname said...

Style, power, a musican, well spoken (going off bobshirt and others), a damn good b-ball player...and good looking to boot Pretty much a skateboarding Renaissance man. And although not his choice the music in Mosaic worked so well with his part.

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