Friday, January 20, 2023

Nick Boserio, Emile Laurent & Chris Milic.

I had a conversation all planned out in my head back in the early summer when the Tony Hawk documentary was making the rounds. If somebody asked me if I had seen it, my reply was going to be, "Nope, I don't have HBO. Tony always presents himself professionally so I'm sure it was good. Did you see the Last Resort video? That actually meant something."

Sadly this conversation never happened.

Pontus Alv did pretty well for himself with the videos for Last Resort AB and Polar. Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing was a fun watch and featured all the familiar heads. I thought Nick and Emile were the stars. Since I've ridden so many Polar boards, I tend to favor the guys with their name on the deck I'm riding. It's nice to see what they are up to so I was stoked on new skating from Aaron Herrington, Paul Grund, and Dane Brady. Alv's Angels was an enjoyable viewing, too. Chris Milic channeled Jeremy Klein for his impressive closing section. I guess I still dig Polar, although I maybe want to try some other brands for the sake of variety. I'm still riding the boards as they feel good and any time I switch up my ride on whim, it can get uncomfortable. Growth is learning from your mistakes over the years and not repeating them.

Vert Is Dead will be back on Monday, January 30th. I'm taking a little winter break from this thing to organize content and figure out what to post next.

Joe Brook took the photo of Emile and Kris Burkhardt took the photo of Chris.

Nick: Thrasher - February 2022 Volume 43 Number 2

Emile: Thrasher - March 2022 Volume 43 Number 3

Milic: Thrasher - January 2022 Volume 43 Number 1

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