Friday, May 19, 2023

The Blockheads #4.

I started this project in 2008 to spotlight some of the more obscure skateboarders and skateboarding ephemera from over the years. Of course, I cover a lot of the more well known folks, too, but the primary focus is/was the arty fringes of skateboarding. In the time since, I've posted nearly everything that inspired me to start Vert Is Dead so it has kept on going as an archive of what catches my fancy at a given moment or is relevant in a historical context. New stuff always pops up and older things that were lost in the ever present content deluge deserve a second look as well. There is nearly always something to be stoked upon with skateboarding, even if maybe the current trends one day or the other aren't to your liking. Just keep on rolling.

As I've typed many a time before, Blockhead is my favorite from the 1980s/low 1990s so it only seems fitting to have their classic pro team for the 15th anniversary post. The skaters, the art, and the video creativity helped define what a skateboard company can and should be.

Thanks for all the support.

The photographs are by Grant Brittain and Hunter Kimball.

Transworld - February 1989 Volume 7 Number 1

1 comment:

Nonickname said...

Their HardTimes line on natural ply were so beautiful.

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