Monday, October 23, 2023

Mike Rusczyk #10.

Real Fast Metal.

Speed Metal was a bearing brand out of Giant that was launched in 1998 and lasted until about 2015. I rode them for nearly the entire time. They seemed to be good bearings. I figure as long as they are new and clean, most bearings will be fine.

Remember when Giant distributed Zoo York? Me neither. This is from a fall 1998 catalog so I wonder if Zoo had some type of production and distro deal for the Mixtape video?

Thrasher - November 2001 Volume 21 Number 11


Anonymous said...

From what I remember they just distributed the stuff no manufacturing deal, but just everyone at Giant was stoked on Zoo and it was to help them out cuz before that Zoo product was super hard to get. The weird thing was Zoo had a strange ownership structure back then, so hardwood and softwoods were completely separate, so Hardgoods from Giant, Shirts form some company in New York, I think they were the first skate company to o a premium priced t shirt

Justin said...

That would make sense because the shop I was a local at carried a lot of Giant stuff and then Zoo York showed up as well. I could see Zoo having a weird business setup. They've always had that mood to them.

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