Friday, October 20, 2023

Vinny "Vegas" Gambardella.

Long way back from hell.

Vinny is from Las Vegas and acquired the nickname of Vegas upon meeting Chad Muska. His sponsors included Birdhouse, Adio, and Spitfire. He was on Destructo for trucks after Mercury. Vinny is a big Danzig fan.

There was quite the influx of Las Vegas skateboard talent in the early 2000s and they all had difficult to spell last names. This probably led to nicknames that fit well with the burgeoning rock revival of the low aughts. It's way easier to type out Ragdoll than it is Anthony Scalamere. It sounds cooler, too.

This frontside bluntslide was in Adio's One Step Beyond video from 2001.

Transworld - July 2001 Volume 19 Number 7

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