Classic Neil at Sadlands. That place doesn't exist any longer, does it?
When I watched the clip from Memory Screen last week to make sure I had the wall graffiti* right for the Steve Claar post, I decided to listen to Don't Mean Maybe's Real Good Life album again. I even played it for my students in class. Of course most of them have their iPods on and don't listen to the music I play. This ends up being amusing to me. I figure I do about 99 and some odd percentage of everything for the students and that last little fraction is playing music for myself. If they want to listen, cool, but otherwise I don't worry about it. I know a couple of times I've had students tell me that their iPod just played a song from the album I was playing in class. On the other hand, I know at least one person who really got into Pavement because of me.
* The graffiti didn't have any punctuation.
The photo is by Miki Vuckovich.
Transworld - August 1989 Volume 7 Number 4