Closing out Alien Workshop week is a young Dill during the Black Label days. It's kind of hard to imagine that he rode for any other company besides the Sect. I want to say that he is doing a nollie heelflip with some sort of varial involved, but I am not too sure. Although with how the board flips and the position of his front foot, could this be a pressure flip?
I watched Dill's parts in Skate More and Mindfield last night. His gear does veer towards the ridiculous in Skate More, which I think he has acknowledged in a recent interview. He did pull off some interesting moves with lots of variations on ollies over fire hydrants to manuals, which makes me appreciate the part. The problem I have with Mindfield is the use of Animal Collective songs. The band's music just does not work for skateboarding. It seems to go against the grain with the action that is happening on the screen. Jake Johnson does some raw tricks and it doesn't sink in as to what he is doing because "My Girls" is such a safe song. I had to watch his part a couple of times to realize exactly how gnarly and difficult the things he was doing were. If that makes any sense.
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm a fan of Dill.
Steve Sherman took the sequence.
Transworld - September 1992 Volume 10 Number 9