There are a few rumors floating around the internet that Sheep Shoes might be back in business. This is an ad from when they were just getting started. The company was done by Sole Tech and featured vegan friendly footwear in addition to dead cows for your feet. Their designs were nice and simple. I liked the brand and wore the shoes in the 1990s, but I'm not sure I could wear them today. Something about the name Sheep made sense at that point in the culture of skateboarding, whereas it doesn't necessarily do the same today. Somethings are better left as a memory.
Transworld - July 1996 Volume 14 Number 7
Man, what was it back it the day where skating bridge guard rails with deadly drops on the other side was all the rage for a bit?
I think Scott Bourne, and Rowley had ads like that, and Chad Fernandez had some footage skating one in some 411 piece. And of course, can't forget Brandon Turner who actually just jumped over the side of an overpass, fell 40 ft. and broke his legs.
--Rikku Markka
Maybe all there weren't huge drop offs, but the way they were photographed sure implied it.
It's all got to be Hensley's fault after that overpass ollie.
What was that one parking garage that was like a quarter pipe with huge round coping that had a gap between the pipe and the lip? Karma, Max and Andy Roy all had photos there. That looked super gnarly since it was on the second floor with nothing to stop you.
I'm sure a lot of the photos were shot in a way to over emphasize the drop, but it sure is scary to think about.
That parking lot was/is at UC Berkeley. I think they skate stopped it to a certain extent but Drehobl skates it in his Elwood Artist Series video.
Drehobl skates that parking garage bar in the new Krooked 3D vid. It looks like to overcome the skatestopper, he just put a board there (grip side up) and does some rocks to fakie in it.
--Rikku Markka
In the same vein, I also forgot about Chet Childress doing front 5-0 180 out and his trademark BS bluntslide 180 on a Jersey barrier overpass in the Black Label vid "Back in Black." I can watch those two tricks on a loop and still it will send a shock of fear through me every time. There are two angles they shot it from, and when the long lens zooms out, you see exactly how big that drop is into speeding highway traffic.
--Rikku Markka
Where Cancer's rocks to fakie in the Elwood online clip? I know I've seen that and I haven't seen the Krooked video yet.
yeah I think they double dipped, maybe different angled, his feeble to fakie on it.
That would make sense.
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