Monday, December 2, 2019

Ron Allen #4.

Get in the groove.

It's a week of Gullwing since I forgot about their trucks last December.

My first board had a pair of red Pro IIIs with metal baseplates. I'm fairly certain I got that setup before they started making them with the plastic baseplates. It was a fortunate bit of timing to be ahead of the marketing curve. A friend started skateboarding soon after I did and he wound up with the plastic ones. Those were not very good trucks at all.

I really don't give much of a crap if people borrow, share, copy, or whatever with anything I scan in for this site. I figure the stuff is more or less public domain and should be spread around to help with the history of skateboarding. That being said, if you're a skateboard journalism site (ahem, Jenkem) and you happen to use one of my scans, please give a credit. It doesn't need to be a link, just a simple "courtesy of" will do. I've seen my scans pop up in few places over the years where they should be citing their sources in the interest of good journalism and it is mildly annoying when they don't.

Transworld - February 1989 Volume 7 Number 1


Heavy Metal Chuck said...

checked out that spot a few months back and it looks so fun but had skate stoppers on it.

Unknown said...

Agreed, give credit where due. Love the old, well I'm old. Ron Allen worst one foots but can now appreciate them

Unknown said...

Oh I had plastic gull hand me downs, the worst. Pivot cut snapped and were just dangerous. But rode them cause no dough

Jahh Pang said...

I`ve seen a man who set a pair of gullwing with plastic base plate.
Whose board is Lance Conklin Powell Pro model, topped with union wheels around 42s right off the pack. And bridge bolts, sorta uncle`s fossil like hand me down sets, I guess board was set when I`m still wearing diapers.

Surprisingly, I met that guy about two months ago, Oct. 2019 and that board has some scratches and tail was scraped pressure flip-wise, but really neat and clean. No sun burns and the guy owns a board said he skates here and there with the set... It was so mind melting lil time tripping experience...

Anyways, it`s so annoying who claim themselves Skate Journalists literally stealing other peoples informational work and efforts.
I always seen this sight up and sending props, from Japan.
Please keep your work and peace!