Espresso shots.
New socks.
Games of S.K.A.T.E.
Johnny Cash.
Flatground sessions.
This is the view from the other side of the stairs from yesterday. I wonder how different Anthony's list would be today?
Do you know how hard it is to find a Vinny Ponte ad from the Treefort days when you don't have a lot of time and think it will only take a couple of minutes? It takes more than a couple of minutes and I didn't find one yet. Back to looking tonight and I don't think I'm going to use it this week. I did see a cool Gino ad for Elwood, but I'm leaving that for Chrome Ball. Should have just done Spitfire week.
Ryan Gee took the photo.
Big Brother - April 2001 Number 71
man... Lakai moon boots!
The phases that skate shoes go through... just crazy.
Sick looking photo for sure.
I had a pair of the Flow in the grey and orange colorway. Super comfy for chilling, but I doubt they would have worked for skating. I donated them to the Salvation Army because they wound up doing too much chilling and collected a lot of dust.
yeah. First pair of Lakai's I had were Fades. The bubble popped so I got a free replacement. Got the black leather Staples.
The very first Mike Carrolls in blue and red were awesome. I got another pair in light gray, but those weren't as good. The soles were different. For as much as I like Lakai and for as many pairs as I have bought, they have made some bad shoes. I couldn't get into the Staples at all. Part of the problem was that I checked the wrong color and it was downhill from there. Ditto for the MJ 1's. A friend had them and they looked cool, but they didn't work when I got a pair.
I am TOTALLY down for a Spitfire week! Please (if possible) make sure to include as much historical reference as possible---I'm VERY interested to find out how they started up, and how they blew up to point they are now.
My plan is to use whatever the oldest ads I have and run them in sequence. It will probably happen either the week of April 20th or the week after that. I'm going to hash out one more week of mid 90s to early 2000 stuff for next week. I'm not giving up on that Ponte Treefort ad, dammit. I'm thinking about emailing Thiebaud on Twitter, but from the sounds of things, the dude has a shitload of email to go through already.
You should do a series on all those "inspiration" Lakai ads. The Marc Johnson one with the ollie up noseblunt is incredible. "Inspired by: Your beef flag, flapping in the wind."
you need more pops ads!
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