This was a request. I must have read the interview when it came out and completely forgot about it until I got an email wondering if I had the issue of Skateboarder it was in. I like Matt Reason, but there aren't a whole lot of photos left of him that haven't already made their way to the internet. All the mid 1990s Philadelphia scene photos are awesome, just with what gear the guys are riding and the tricks that they are doing.
Skate Daily had a couple of good ones yesterday.
The interview was by Mike Sinclair and the photo by Ryan Gee.
Skateboarder - November 2007 Volume 17 Number 3
The traits I always liked about Matt is he could do it all. Tech, switch, stairs, street gaps rails, bump bars, transition. All on a beast of a set-up.
pretty cool. I like the "where are they now" articles and interviews.
I worked at a video store in Pittsburgh from 2004 to 2006 where he was a customer (hi Matt if you are reading this). When I first asked him if he was "the Matt Reason" who was a skateboarder he said "Yes, but I do not skate anymore." I never bothered to ask Matt why he retired because he did not seem too interested in talking about the subject and I felt it was not my place to ask him any further questions. Matt looked in good health when ever he came in to the store and I wish him the best.
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