Monday, September 12, 2022

Chaz Pineda.


I put together a big feature on the Black Label from 2006-7. I'm going to split it up over a few weeks. I did the same for Emerica with the same plan to space it out, too. John Lucero had quite a big team of all terrain rippers at this time. I had slightly forgotten about some of these guys. I've always been a fan so this was a fun batch to scan.

Chaz is from Houston, Texas and was one of those younger kids who demolished all manner of ramps and curved surfaces. I'm not really sure on his background or what he is up to these days.

Here is the new ride. The board is more about my preferred size and shape this time around. I am not a fan of the red ply, which is on both the top and bottom. The graphic is OK. Jacob Ovgren does reference pervious Aaron Herrington graphics so that is a nice touch. I didn't know what I wanted to do for a sticker and had this John Cardiel sticker so that's more than good enough. I did not realize how worn out my old board was. My ollies are popping again and I've got better control.

The photo is by Pat Myers.

Skateboarder - December 2007 Volume 17 Number 4

1 comment:

Nonickname said...

Thumbs up for the shock pad/riser pads.