Thursday, June 20, 2024

Steve Olson #6.

Guilty verdict.

The kinked rail boardslide was Steve's last trick in Guilty, the Shorty's video from 2001. His feet didn't move at all when he did the trick. It's kind of strange that his ender wound up in a clothing company from Minnesota's ad, but it is Steve Olson after all. The boardslide happened in Chicago on Supernatural's only tour. The nollie backside lipslide was also in Guilty.

Shout out to Mike from Mostly Skateboarding for providing some details for this week.

The photos are by Grant Brittain and Ryan Damian.

Nollie backside lipslide: Thrasher - November 2001 Volume 21 Number 11

Boardslide: Thrasher - February 2002 Volume 22 Number 2

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