Monday, December 23, 2019

Eric Nash #3.

The Crusher frontside grinds a pool.

I finally set up some new Ventures this year. The old ones broke after a decade of steady use, which is maybe a little too long to ride the same set of trucks. I actually put together the new set from two different pairs. My pet peeve is trucks with graphics printed on the hangers so I grabbed a pair of all silver Ventures last year. I then randomly discovered an all orange pair with no graphics at CCS of all places. After riding silver hangers with orange baseplates for so long, anything else just looked wrong to me for trucks, hence all the extra work. I'm happy with the results of my effort. I might get a little crazy and go with the reverse of these the next time I need trucks since I've got the parts. Who knows?

Thrasher - October 1989 Volume 9 Number 10


Rikku Markka said...

I didn't mind graphics on the hangar. But I didn't like painted baseplates, because it cost more, yet I could get the same effect by buying a can of spray paint.
As for your new trucks, are you riding the old bushings, or keeping everything new?

Justin said...

Old dead stock bushings.

My old trucks had some ancient purple Venture bushings. The ones that came with the new trucks looked OK, but I wasn't sure on them. They are probably perfectly fine. I rummaged around in the jars full of unused and used bushings I keep in my parents' basement until I found some never used purple ones and went with those. They are probably at least ten years old.

I think the front bushings are disintegrating and have to be replaced. I've got more in stock so it's not a big deal.

For the longest time Venture wasn't making many colored trucks in the wider sizes that I prefer so when they did I got all excited.

Nonickname said...

Do you have a pic of the old/broken ones?