Friday, December 20, 2019

Tom Knox #6.

Are you still doing the eight-hour skate day?

Yeah, I usually wake up around eight-thirty or nine. I hate waking up past nine. I'll eat, take a shower, and then everything I do all day has something to with skateboarding. I don't drive anywhere, I just skate around everywhere. Skating all day.

Tom used to put in a full day of work for skateboarding. I think everybody does when they get hooked on it and are younger. Nowadays, I max out at the three hour mark. I still have the energy, but my ollies are not getting off the ground by the end. I usually skate about two hours a day during the nice to not awful weather. Sometimes a little more or less depending on grown up life and how much I skated the previous day.

I'm usually moving the entire time, no stopping. I know there are those all important sessions where you end up chilling and talking to everybody, but I'm going skateboarding to skateboard. This is my exercise, dang it. It's funny because I went to a park with my friend a couple years ago and he's skating, but he's also chatting it up with everybody while I'm focused on figuring my three tricks out and avoiding the BMXers. It's an interesting contrast because I'm not remotely thinking about being social.

I am slightly curious to see if I could pull off a teenage skate rat day, but it would take some planning and a couple different spots to hit up. I sort of make a parallel to a basketball game for skateboarding: you're on the court for two hours and then it's time to hit the shower before doing something else. And let's face it, when you are old, you've got a slate of household chores to get done each day, too.


This is a little on the late side, but congrats to Milton Martinez on winning Skater of the Year. My sleeper picks for SOTY were either Ronnie Sandoval or Collin Provost. I was hoping Alexis Sablone at least made the nominees list, but that didn't happen. She gets the Vert Is Dead Skateboarder of 2019 Award for being awesome.

For the quote: Transworld - May 1991 Volume 9 Number 5

Thrasher - December 1989 Volume 9 Number 12


Nonickname said...

I ran into a mini group of older guys (one on a lance mountain reissue) this summer that do day trips of all the parks in our area. So they skate all day but the drives inbetween act as a rest and they can modify their day depending on which park they're "feeling". Seems like a fun day.

Justin said...

That sounds like a good plan and how you'd have to do it.