Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Corey Sheppard #3.

Newfoundland painter.

Corey's part in What If, the Blind video from 2005, was chock full of really good technical skateboarding. He's got an impressive switch game. It probably doesn't get any more era appropriate than skating to a Bloc Party song either.

Static man Josh Stewart took the photo.

Big Brother - June 1998 Issue 37


Matt said...

It's funny. Google maps street view shows the address in the ad is a PO Box at one of those mailbox places. Still there today. I wonder how many of these short lived companies did the same...


I get that Weiss hooks his friends up - but Bo Turner in 1998?...nepotism at its finest.

Justin said...

I've never used Google Street View to check out the address for these places. Thought about it, but never have. That's interesting.

You gonna deny Bo wanting to ride for your company?

Was there another similar company maybe before this? Change? With Bo and Lance Conklin?

Nonickname said...

Change (early 90s) had Weiss and Bokma - and gave the world one of the worst graphics ever "StarWeiss", a really horrible painting of Weiss as Luke Skywalker and a crudely done Princess Leia reaching for his "light sabre". Bokma's model had a piggy bank character being cut open and was re-released by Toronto's BTL a few years back - I grabbed one of those with some of the proceeds going to anti gun violence.

Justin said...

That's what I thought. Lance rode for Change after Powell. Bo was still on Alien.