Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Henry Sanchez #5.

Your favorite pro's favorite pro, especially if your favorite pro is over forty years old.

I find it interesting that everybody always rattles off the same old names for their favorites. It's totally warranted because most of the time the choices are completely valid, but I am always a fan of the more obscure and the not so obvious picks. Give a shout out to the guy who had two short parts in wheel videos set to songs you like better instead of going by the already agreed upon classics.

Henry was the first new pro on Real, but he soon left for Blind. This marks the initial appearance of the AC/DC inspired logo.

Emerica's Green video is amazing. It's a well done effort showcasing Dakota Servold and Jon Dickson with a No Age soundtracked montage of the rest of the team.

Thrasher - January 1991 Volume 11 Number 1

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