Thursday, February 13, 2020

Kevin "Spanky" Long #7.

"I just want to be outside with my friends. Being creative and dumb. I want to sweat all my madness out and direct my obsessive behavior towards something with the ultimate payoff. With an absolutely limitless variety of creative options. Too much to ask? What would I do without skateboarding?"

It's good to see that Kevin is still out there rolling and helping with creative endeavors at Baker.

The version of winter around here seems to be snow for a day or two and then warm up for the next four or five days before snowing again. I've managed to fit in a decent amount of skateboarding after work and/or on my lunch break thus far this year. It helps that the days are getting longer, too. I built a little grind box to keep at my parents for something different to skate. I've been meaning to take photos of it since the design is very simple and turned out okay enough. I set up a new board to go with a new pair of shoes in the last two weeks and I'm still getting adjusted to the shoes. I think my old kicks were so beat that I got into some bad habits with foot placement. I also put in new bearings and replaced a bushing. Everything feels about right, but maybe it isn't.

Random video reviews: Bobby de Keyzer rides for Quasi now and had a great new video part that utilized a somewhat obscure Guided By Voice song. Shin Sanbongi does sick backside 360 ollies.

For the quote: Thrasher - December 2019 Volume 40 Number 12

Thrasher - January 2019 Volume 40 Number 1

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