Thursday, August 27, 2020

Nora Vasconcellos #5.

Dance recital.

Nora hails from Pembroke, Massachusetts. She turned pro for Welcome in the summer of 2017. Her other sponsors include Adidas, Krux, Bronson, OJ Wheels, and Swatch. Nora's part in Fetish is a blend of park, street, and ditch skating. There are some airs, Smith grinds, and inverts done on transitions. She hits up a few ditches with some kickflips and a frontside feeble at a DIY spot. I think this backside Smith grind is in there, but it was filmed from a different angle than the photo. Nora is one of the best out there in skateboarding today.

The photo is by Shane Cox.

Thrasher - July 2016 Volume 37 Number 7

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