Friday, October 11, 2019

Jeremy Wray #9.

"Never did a pressure flip. Jonas could do all those, but I never did one. The only impossible I ever did was a front-foot impossible. I liked those because you could ollie into it. All the pressure flips and ollie impossibles you have to hold your foot down and scrape the tail - I couldn't do that. My back leg only does pop - it won't do a little scrape."

Jeremy uses some of that pop to get up on a level frontside noseslide.

The weather has been a good dose of mild fall lately. I've gotten skateboarding every night at the park this week. It's been a tad cool, but very comfortable, especially once you get warmed up. I had a bit of late summer slump on skateboarding in general and now I'm back into it.

It will be two weeks of odd stuff from 2006 starting on Monday.

For the quote: Transworld - February 1997 Volume 15 Number 2

Transworld - December 1999 Volume 17 Number 12


Anonymous said...

He definitely did pressure flips in Debbie Does Blockhead

Justin said...

I'm going to investigate this. Everybody was doing or at least trying to do pressure flips back then.

I got nostalgic for the stupid things and put in a minor effort to relearn them in 1998 or 99. I eventually landed a perfect one, probably way better than any I had in 1992, and said never again.