Thursday, May 12, 2016

Roman Gonzalez & Kevin Rodrigues.

"You guys should try some doubles."

In addition to the animations of colored squares and circles, one great thing about "I Like It Here Inside My Mind, Don't Wake Me This Time" is getting to see the skaters that have their names on the boards I've been riding the last two years. I keep up with the new faces as much as possible, but it is difficult these days with so much available content to know who everyone is. I knew some of the guys, but not all. I'm curious to know more about Michal Juraś. I can't really find much on him anywhere. I had his board and it was one of the lightest decks I've ever ridden. It reminded me of a World Industries board from the early 1990s. And Kevin is the one with the long hair in the ad.

Here's the graphic from Kevin's debut pro model. For as much of a bummer as it is, I like the art.

The photos are by Manual Schenck.

Transworld - February 2015 Volume 33 Number 2

1 comment:

Justin said...

An interview with Kevin: